Update: 08/24/10
My fried updated his ad and somehow has been blacklisted by Craigslist when he has a legitimate ad. Of all the people advertising dating sites, adult verification sites, and other frauds my friends ad caught the attention of Craigslist's Filters. My friend asked on the Craigslist forum why he was blacklisted and the only response was that he needs to take out the word "Massage" and remove the last sentence where he indicates he will not respond to frauds such as dating sites, adult verification sites, etc. I'm surprised! From what it sounds like, his ad was flagged but all the sites out there advertising dating sites, porn sites, etc were not. Looks like craigslist uses a word filter which does stop some fraudulent sites but also can block legitimate sites. A while back a newsletter that I subscribed to that discussed current events found themselves on yahoo's blacklist. How did they get on their blacklist? They used the word Casino in one of their issues which flagged them as an online Casino scam. The author of the newsletter apologized to the many yahoo readers who were no longer receiving issues that they paid to receive and it took over a month before he could get yahoo to remove him from their blacklist. Due to the blacklisting of my friends ad, I can no longer add any more to the list. If you find someone on Craigslist who is a fraud, feel free to respond. with their alleged name, email address, and details about the scam.
oh yeah I got plenty and thank god I checked in here for the localfling.net crap. hmm if I get anymore I'll post em but right now I deleted roughly 30 responders that ended up going to AmateurMatch.com, singlesnet.com or some other BS
ReplyDeleteLocalfling.net appears to be nothing but a front that creates an account on amateurmatch.com.
ReplyDeleteIf you go to localfling.net and go to the login page, then enter an email address (any will do), nothing for the password and click on Submit. You'll get a Not found error, The requested URL /api/apilogin.php was not found on this server. So there is no possible way for you to login to localfling.net.
BTW...if you do register at localfling.net, you'll receive a login and password to amateurmatch.com...not localfling.net.
I receive a message like one of the ones below. Figured it was 95% fake, but was just curious. When I tried to respond back to the person who sent the message, yahoo said the account did not exist.
looking to hook up
ReplyDeleteLooking to hook up with no strings friends with benefits I live in hatwell ga I love to eat pussy look me up at hotrodchevy36@yahoo.com or text 7069619906
ReplyDelete7702851610 is police
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